A RED HAT SOCIETY Sisterhood of Senior Women
A RED HAT SOCIETY Sisterhood of Senior Women
The FL West Coast Queens’ Council http://www.flwestcoastqueenscouncil.com is an official Red Hat Society® chapter formed in 2001 consisting of Queens and Vice Queens in Registered Chapters within 7 counties on the West Coast of Florida ( Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Pasco, Pinellas, Polk, and Sumter).
Council Board Members: Queen Charleen Winters, Queen Cheryl Pietrasz (Mickey) Queen Dotti Fulford, and Queen Donna Barkley, Photographer.
The purpose of our council:
To bring Queens, Vice Queens and all RHS members together to enjoy the sisterhood.
The council is a platform for your topics of interest, issues, concerns, and ideas for discussions. I look forward to suggestions, options, and feedback to be able to grow the council.
We have no dues or mandatory attendance requirements; however, I hope you will make an effort to attend at least one of the WCQC hosted bi-monthly birthday parties!
The council is NON PROFIT with NO VENDORS. Only fees charged to you for attending council-hosted events will be the cost of your lunch, tax and gratuity!
Council's only rule to wear proper attire (red hat with a purple outfit or on your birthday purple hat with a red outfit). I would hope that you proudly wear our colors to all events!
In the spirit of friendship and sisterhood let's kick start the year with our silliness seriously!!
Queen Charleen
National and local RHS events will be posted on this website to keep hatters informed of upcoming events.
Council Board Members: Queen Charleen Winters, Queen Cheryl Pietrasz (Mickey) Queen Dotti Fulford, and Queen Donna Barkley, Photographer.
The purpose of our council:
To bring Queens, Vice Queens and all RHS members together to enjoy the sisterhood.
The council is a platform for your topics of interest, issues, concerns, and ideas for discussions. I look forward to suggestions, options, and feedback to be able to grow the council.
We have no dues or mandatory attendance requirements; however, I hope you will make an effort to attend at least one of the WCQC hosted bi-monthly birthday parties!
The council is NON PROFIT with NO VENDORS. Only fees charged to you for attending council-hosted events will be the cost of your lunch, tax and gratuity!
Council's only rule to wear proper attire (red hat with a purple outfit or on your birthday purple hat with a red outfit). I would hope that you proudly wear our colors to all events!
In the spirit of friendship and sisterhood let's kick start the year with our silliness seriously!!
Queen Charleen
National and local RHS events will be posted on this website to keep hatters informed of upcoming events.